Crazy Grandpa疯狂老爷爷


The best fruit juicy game market, it is free!
Fruit Master is a hurricane and dark horse in software empire after Crazy Grandpa , grandpa has a crazy broadsword, the whole street fruit fly all over the sky, fruit juice splashed on the screen, what a very beautiful colorful fruit world!
Sweet singular, stinging cactus, red pepper, the beautiful BingGuo and the speed of the wind gallop,with you in fantasy of physical and mental journey, come on, cut to Headrush!

downloadCrazyGrandpa1024这是一款疯狂的游戏,主人翁是一个追求乐观、刺激、速度和贪吃的老爷爷!只要你进入他的急速滑板世界,高空翻转、超时速跳车、排除障碍、更多装备与 场景的 选择,追求飓风急速尽在老爷爷的滑板帝国!戲結束時根據你的當場表現,你會得到一定的經驗,它可以讓你的級別得到提升。當你升級時,也會有對應的装备!狂 飙吧!


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